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July 7, 2011


As many of you may have noticed, things have been pretty quiet around The Benjamins over the past two weeks. This was due to a number of reasons, mainly me being very busy working on other stuff and not having too much spare time to post stuff. All the avid readers of the blog would have also noticed that there wasn't even a Throwback Thursday issue posted last week (cue the shock, horror and outrage). I really should have posted a warning sooner to let each and every one of you know that things would be a little quiet and that Throwback Thursday was going on a one week hiatus, but as they say "it's better late than never". So it's with this announcement that I bring the news that things will be returning to normal from...... now. There will be a lot more posts over the next few days as I endeavour to clear the backlog and you'll all be happy to know this will include the 11th installment of Throwback Thursday which will appear sometime today. So in the words of the great Samuel L. Jackson "hold onto your butts" because things are about to get wild around here.


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